Welcome Beloved One.

I am so happy you are here.

Do you feel your spirit returning to the slow and mellow rhythm of nature?

I invite you to explore your beautiful radiance and welcome you on this sacred journey.

see and feel

our angel wash

as we shower you

with roses

feel her petals 

washing over us

cleansing us

healing us

reminding us

to stay soft




Rose & Radiance

Apothecary & Healing Arts

A single ounce of rose essential oil contains the essence of 40,000 rose blossoms and 67 roses give only one drop of essential oil. We are passionate about sourcing sustainable and organic rose petals and infusing roses to enhance your radiance rituals.

Our mission is to help people discover their sacred embodiment and cultivate wisdom by tending to our emotional bodies and soul. I take an integrative, depth-oriented approach that invites ongoing self discovery. We focus on creating a brave and trusting space to celebrate our connections to each other, to nature, and to ourselves.

Are not flowers the stars of the earth?
— Clara Lucas Balfour