From the Earth,

for the body, mind, spirit

Rose & Radiance

The emergence of Rose & Radiance came from the embodiment of my two favorite plant allies— Cacao and Rose. I realized that these two plants have always been there to assist my healing journey for most of my life, through all the difficult moments and the joyful ones too. As a child, my grandmother Amalia would prepare Filipino tablea drinking cacao over the stove to serve to her grandchildren. Drinking a cup of cacao is sentimental and reminds me of how interconnected we are. And Rose in all her beauty, lovingly appeared in many tea blends when I started my first tea shop in 2010.

Oh, what sweet pleasure it has been to work with the radiating spirit of cacao and rose. In its highest form, Rose & Radiance serves as the expression of love. After all, love is the catalyst that heals us, lifts us, and brings forth the deepest transformation within us. Love is courage to speak our vulnerabilities, love is the wild creature we trust in, love is the currency that we invest in. It is my intentions that the Rose & Radiance Apothecary and Healing Arts comes to serve you, hear you, heal you and support your truest self to emerge.

Love, Maria Theresa

Apothecary and Healing Arts

Meet Maria Theresa

Land Acknowledgment

I am grateful to live and work on the traditional territories of the Coast Salish Peoples, in a special place that is home to indigenous people known today as the Quw'utsun First Nations. I am committed to the process of de-colonization, learning indigenous worldviews, living with symbiotic relationships and honouring the sacred traditional teachings from those that have tended to these lands. As a second generation Filipina American reawakening to the roots of my Indigenous pre-colonial ancestors, I stand with the people of First nations for the collective healing from generational trauma.

My Journey

The dream of moving to Cowichan Valley seeded in 2016 while traveling for work. On a flight to the midwest, I read a 2-page article highlighting the benefits of shinrin-yoku, also known as forest bathing. I was in awe as I remembered my earliest childhood memories swinging and climbing on tree branches, playing hide and seek in the forest and traveling cross country to visit national parks. Deeply touched by the healing qualities of forest bathing and reflecting on my illusional city life, I desired for these moments to rest and retreat in the presence of our ancient tree elders.

Over time, the yearning to be in the forests grew stronger and stronger. Inspired to explore our sacred trees, I ventured to meet Joshua tree in the high deserts, Sycamore and Cypress in Sedona, the Pechanga Great Oak in Temecula, fresh Pine of Idyllwild, Elm trees of Central Park NYC, Beech in Maryland, Birch in Illinois, giant Sequoias of Yosemite, Aspen in Lake Tahoe, Douglas Fir in Multnomah Falls Oregon, old growth coastal Redwoods of Santa Cruz mountains and San Francisco Bay, and even the fragrant Eucalyptus grown in my own backyard of Balboa Park San Diego…

Summer of 2018, we went on an extraordinary trip of a lifetime to the Canadian Rockies to visit the Boreal forest of Banff, Lake Louise and Jasper. Hiking up the peak to Lake Agnes Tea house with the backdrop of the crystal blue Lake Louise behind us, we declared our wildest dreams to move to Canada, to breathe in the fresh forest air, embrace slow living and live sustainably with nature.

With patience as I wandered and pondered on a new life, I launched Forest Academy, an experiential nature retreat for adults and children. The intention was to share the practice of forest bathing and create awareness and sentiment of our urban forests. We invited students to lay on the earth and tune in to the sound bath of birds, swaying trees and gentle crystal bowls. We journaled, sat in meditation, moved to yoga, and journeyed with aromatic essential tree oils from around the world. In my heart, I was a forest fairy seeking to fly back home to the forest.

It was now 2020 and our family needs shifted as did the entire world around us. We wanted new perspectives on the old world wound of limitations and a recommitment to wholesome values and an inspiring new paradigm, especially for our daughter. Whispers of Vancouver Island kept showing up for our family, so we listened for messages. Early spring 2021, we made a bold decision to detach from the family unit, release our possessions and move forward on the greatest adventure of our lives. We packed our bags, drove up on a 7-day journey from California to Vancouver island and found residency in the Cowichan Valley.

Rose & Radiance - Apothecary & Healing Arts

My life’s work has been centered around building and developing compassionate communities with a specialization on co-designing and leading nutrition programs for older adults. As a current student practitioner of healing arts at Pacific Rim College, I am tending to my dream of learning how to make herbal medicine and healing the mindbodyspirit naturally. I work with intuition along with the principals of harmony and unity to happily serve my community as a healing arts guide.