The Story of Rose & Radiance

As I woke up from the dark fantasies of this architected life, I realized I had been following a blueprint programmed to me at birth. I was a wounded soul choosing to be disempowered, contained, confined, conformed, isolated, shamed, mandated, ruled, powerless. I lacked remembrance and inner knowing to connect to my central channel of love until I discovered the radiant path of roses that were placed in my heart. Rose lovingly held my hand as I unpacked a lifetime of unprocessed memories. As I transmuted darkness to beauty, I learned that what the heart loves is the cure and the medicine. It is the truest thing that exists. and is what binds us together across time and place, across generations, across all realms.

Roses are one of the strongest, most resilient botanical treasures in the entire plant kingdom with an energetic vibration of 320 MHz. Rose's thorns and petals revealed the duality of life's illusions woven in with the softness of love, consciousness, and belonging, All of it was placed there to help me find the meaning of my life, my souls purpose, the path home to sovereignty.

Rose is a quintessential heart centerer, soother and passion holder. She has helped me remember that I am wild, undisputed, fearless and free. In my heart's awakening, I found courage to embrace my true power and spiritual embodiment and discovered the magic of love's beautiful expression returning back to me tenfold. Rooted in reverence with rose, I followed the call of responsibility to be of service and guide us to engage with life in a more nourishing, trusting, healing, and reciprocal way.

The path of love is a never ending spiral journey into deepened understanding and wholeness. There is much to heal and undo, and also much to celebrate. My hope is to create a heart- centered space for all those who may be feeling lost, broken and disconnected, as well as those who simply know that there is something more to this sacred experience than what we’ve all been taught. Darling, I invite you to explore your beautiful radiance and welcome you on this sacred journey. Thank you for being here!

Maria Theresa

Rose & Radiance Apothecary and Healing Arts


The secret life of wild rose